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Abstract Detail

MSA - Systematics/Evolution

Ryberg, Martin [1], Larsson, Ellen [1], Jacobsson, Stig [1].

An evolutionary perspective on morphological and ecological characters in the mushroom forming family Inocybaceae (Agaricomycotina, Fungi).

Inocybaceae is one of the larger families among the gilled mushrooms (Agaricales) but the taxonomy of the group is still not fully settled especially considering new phylogenetic insights. We here investigate the evolution of five morphological and four ecological characters to explore their potential use in taxonomy. We find two morphological characters, spore shape and the presence of a cortina, to have the greatest taxonomic potential as they are relatively conserved evolutionary. They have, however, not evolved in a way that easily delimits monophyletic groups, and other characters will be required. Three of the ecological characters are reflective of the evolutionary history of the species at the scale investigated here. The states of these ecological characters can therefore be predicted in a phylogenetic framework for species where they are unknown.

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1 - University of Gothenburg, Plant and Environmental Sciences, Box 461, Goteborg, 40530, Sweden

ancestral state reconstruction
character evolution.

Presentation Type: Oral Paper:Papers for Topics
Session: 29
Location: Cottonwood D/Snowbird Center
Date: Monday, July 27th, 2009
Time: 4:45 PM
Number: 29005
Abstract ID:318